Constructs a quaternion from a vector
Constructs a quaternion from another quaternion
Constructs a quaternion from an axis and an angle theta
Returns a conjugated quaternion
Returns a normalized quaternion
Returns the euler angle equivalent of this quaternion, in the form of <roll, pitch, yaw>
Sets euler angle as member parameters, equivalent of this quaternion
quaternion * quaternion
quaternion + quaternion
quaternion *= quaternion
quaternion += quaternion
Constructs identity of a quaternion
Constructs a quaternion from euler angle
Constructs a quaternion from euler angle vector
Holds rotation (xyz) and angle (w)
A quaternion is a way of representing a rotation in three dimensions by storing a rotation and an angle. It properly forms a topological 3-sphere, which allows it to avoid the gimbal lock that plagues the more human-readable euler angle. Read more here: