Alias for linear interpolation, to follow the same GLSL convention
Alias to GLSL name for hermite interpolation
Checks if two floating-point scalars are approximately equal to each other by some epsilon
Clamps scalar elements
Cosine interpolation on scalar elements. It interpolates between two scalars x and y using a cosine-weighted a (this function applies the cosine-weight). Check LinearInterpolation for more details.
Cube interpolation using Catmull-Rom splines on scalar elements. Interpolates between two scalars y and z using a gradient a that takes x <-> y and z <-> w into account in order to offer better continuity between segments. Check LinearInerpolation for more details.
Hermite interpolation on scalar elements as described by GLSL smoothstep. Interpolates between x and y using gradient a that allows smooth transitions as the gradient approaches 1 or 0. See LinearInterpolation for more details.
Hermite interpolation on scalar elements. Similar to CubicInterpolation except that you have control over the tension (tightening of the curvature) and bias (twists the curve about known points).
Linear interpolation on scalar elements. Interpolates between two scalar values x and y using a linear gradient a
Maximum of two scalar elements
Minimum of two scalar elements
Steps scalar a on edge edge. Returns 0 if a < edge, otherwise 1
Converts quantity of radians to degrees
Converts quantity of degrees to radians
TAU = PI*2